Scary Feeling

Yesterday, I met Glai as I went to school for our exam in Accounting. I met her at the stairway in the overpass. I said hi and asked her if she had a class that day. It's unusual for an Accountancy student to have a class on Wednesdays except that she has a laboratory class in any Accounting subjects. (In our school, laboratory classes are usually scheduled every Wednesday). I was shocked when she answered that she had a lab schedule in her Chemistry class. Chemistry? I then thought, there were no Chemistry classes in Accountancy. She then added that she had already shifted to Psychology this semester. I didn't bother to ask her why. Of course, it's obvious. I guess she had failed Accounting. She would not shift to other degree if she hadn't failed. Well, I really didn't know the real reason though.

I then felt threatened and scared. She was not the only one I knew who had failed Accounting (I guess?). There were many of them. And they were not like the other students who just study for the sake of only passing the course. In fact, most of them got kicked out in the program when they were handled by Prof. Albao in Accounting. And Prof. Albao is our professor in Accounting this semester. She's a typical professor and teaches Accounting well to her class. It's really in her passion to teach, she told us. But, when it comes to grades, grade is grade. What you see in your class card is what you get. You can't beg and ask her to alter a little bit of your grade. In fact, she can give you a grade of 5.0 if you deserve it (5.0 means failure). Your grade will really measure your performance in her class.

I cannot call myself unfortunate that Prof. Albao is my mentor in Accounting. In fact, I feel lucky and blessed to have her in one of my classes. You'll really understand and appreciate each corner in Accounting with her as your teacher. Honestly, most of the students in our college like her.

What I am trying to emphasize here is that I don't want to be one of those students who weren't able to survive and got kicked out in the program. It would bring unworthiness to me. I'm sure my other classmates also felt this. Who would want to fail? No one, right? And there's no other option for me to survive but to fully rely on the Divine Providence, be optimistic, and do my part.